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Depends upon whos hands it's in

My pastor recently played a video from John Maynard. In the video, he makes the observation that things look differently when you take into consideration the hands in which the tool or obstacle are placed. As coaches, we know all to well the importance of putting responsibilities into the correct hands of the athlete on the court or field of play.

Mr. Maynard drew the following conclusions when it came to sports:

  • Put a basketball in his hands and it was worth $15, but in the hands of Lebron James it was worth tens of millions of dollars.

  • Put a football in his hands and it was worth $25, but in the hands of Peyton Manning it was worth over 100 million of dollars.

  • Put a golf club in his hands and it was worth $50, but in the hands of Tiger Woods it was worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Mr. Maynard drew the following conclusions when it came to the bible:

  • Put a rod in his hands and it might help him defend against a wild animal, but in the hands of Moses it would part the Red Sea.

  • Put a slingshot in his hands and it might break a window, but in the hands of King David it would slay Goliath.

  • You put two fish and five loaves of bread in his hands and you would get a meal, but in the hands of Jesus you can feed thousands.

Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull. There they crucified him, (John 19:17-18)

It simply makes a difference whose hands it's in. You give me two nails and I might be able to hang a picture or fix a chair, but if you put them in the hands of Jesus it leads to salvation and eternal life for those who believe and trust him.

If we leave our worries and problems in the our own hands, then that is where they are going to remain and they will fester only to become tools of the Enemy. But, if we place them in the hands of Jesus he is going to see us through the difficult times where we will find ourselves on higher ground.

As a coach, I have found the greatest success comes through ensuring responsibilities are in the hands of those who are capable of handling them. Athletes who are more athletic, bigger, faster and stronger sometimes do not possess the poverbial "hands" that are needed to help the team achieve its goals. Teams whose players learn to be the hands and feet of the team and make the sacrifices necessary for the good of the team will in turn experience greater success.

Just remember, it matters whose hands that it's in. Give everything you got to God and let him handle it for you.



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