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Spiritual Jungle

The same week that I was honored for being a top Coach in Texas by a well known football publication was the same week one of my coaching brethren had a heart attack while at practice. It was a moment which made one reflect. It could just as well have been me who was having someone perform CPR while my players and sons were watching.

Our lives are fragile and fleeting. It is easy to put your faith into anything but God. It is easy to be influenced by the accolades of man and to forget how precious a gift life is and how thankful we should all be to the giver and fortifier of our life.

I was told Coach was cracking jokes when they got him to the hospital. This was not his first brush with death and he has a relationship with the Lord whereby he has no worries. He recognizes that he has a purpose on earth and it is to serve the Lord.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

In a world where there is so much fear of death, it is comforting to know as Christians there is a better place awaiting us. We are to worry about NOTHING. Not one single thing. We can do this through prayer and leaning on God and not our own understanding.

Then we are to take it to the next level and give thanks for our situation. You did not get the job you wanted. Praise God. You did not get the grade you wanted. Praise God. You were betrayed by a friend. Praise God.

God will give us peace through every storm. We simply understand that He is in control and can guide us through all storms if we will let Him.

Coach has recovered from his brush with death and is back on the field and court coaching them up. He has a powerful testimony and has used the incident to share the Gospel. He knows his time on earth is temporary; and though he has a weak heart physically, it is spiritually sound.

What can we turn over to the Lord today? Where can we bless another through acts of service? Where is God directing you and are you listening to his instructions or taking it upon yourself to blaze the path?

We are all in this spiritual jungle called life. Are we wielding the machete of the Gospel or are we trying to forge a path with our own hands?


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