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Taking a knee

It does not surprise me at all when I see a team at any level go from being blown out one week only to lose to a far inferior opponent the next week. Fans often bemoan how this could have happened and fingers are often pointed at the coach or a few plays in the losing game. The truth is the loss was more than likely the result of the preperation preceeding the game.

It does not surprise me at all when I see a team at any level go from being blown out one week only to lose to a far inferior opponent the next week. Fans often bemoan how this could have happened and fingers are often pointed at the coach or a few plays in the losing game. The truth is the loss was more than likely the result of the preparation preceding the game.

Rivalry games are many times the best games. The week before a rivalry game everyone is dialed in on the task at hand. Players watch their game film, they are early to practice and the tenor is all business. Parents and fans actually know who we are playing that week and they go the extra mile by ensuring players get to bed on time and offer acts of encouragement. The result of two teams sharing a good week of practice should be an excellent game.

The converse is a week of practice where there is a lack of focus or the prideful disrespect for our opponents. For us, it starts on a Monday and manifests itself with a lack of focus, pride and an unwillingness to compete. Even if we can get the mindset corrected, we still have lost precious practice time. My sleep is restless the night before games where I know the level of practice was poor and pray our guys can overcome our lack of preparation.

It is often human nature to play up or down to the level of competition. It is not easy to stay consistent in our preparation and training. Likewise, God calls on us to prepare every day to take on the Enemy. He desires the best for us and from us as we fight the battle of faith and seeking His kingdom.

If you love me, keep my commandments

John 14:15

God calls on us to live out his righteousness in all that we do. As Christians, we are held to a different standard. We are called to be diligent in our week of practice no matter how difficult the time in our lives and irrespective of the fact we may not be facing any trials. We want to play like champions for the Lord every day. The devil is not taking a day off so why should we?

Stay in fellowship with the Lord through prayer and supplication. Then, when the devil arrives at our doorstep, he will discover a line of defense and offense which will stifle him and leave him nothing but defeated.

For Christians, how we live is the most reliable indicator of what we believe. How we practice is indicative of how we are going to play. The best way for us to end a game is in the "Victory Formation" which is when we have possession of the ball and take a knee to let the game time expire. How appropriately symbolic.


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